Before the promised time, Motorola has started delivering the latest Android update for its newest device, Moto G. Targeted for the low-end audience but equipped with rather amazing hardware, Moto G helped Motorola create new expectations from the market of low-end Android devices. To keep that even more interesting, Motorola promised that despite being a sub-$200 phone, it will not be neglected when it comes to new updates.
And Motorola is keeping its words.
Starting today, Moto G U.S. and Global editions are receiving Android 4.4.2 KitKat update. The new update brings new enhancements, refreshed user interface with a new design and color, a new phone dialer, better app compatibility, camera with enhanced touch to focus feature, new gallery with photo editing feature and advanced color adjustment, exposure and contrast.
Android 4.4.2 KitKat also enables cloud-printing support that you can take advantage of by Google Cloud Print or HP ePrinters to print your photos, documents off Google Docs, GMail messages among other content. The update also packs a new version of Google Hangout that is integrated with SMS/MMS support. So you won’t have to switch between your Hangout chats and SMS/MMS anymore.
Moto G users, have you started receiving prompt for OTA update already?